Tips To Get Squirrel Feeder

By : Bruce Dinger

Keeping squirrels out of the bird feeder is as simple as using one of three techniques - either place the bird feeder where the squirrels can't get to it, use a feeder which is specially made to keep them out, or, use bird seed the squirrels don't like.

Easier said than done.
Squirrels can jump unthinkable distances - either horizontally or vertical. Some say squirrels can jump 6 to 10 feet. This means that if the bird feeder is high enough or far enough away from the house, tree or limbs, the squirrels can't get access to it by jumping. This doesn't leave you many options. Who wants a bird feeder 10 feet high or way out in the middle of your yard.
Your options:
* Squirrel proof your feeder - those big plastic cones you see above or below the bird feeder are baffles which are put there to prevent the squirrel from climbing to the feeder. They need to be big enough, though, to be effective. Some say 18 inches in diameter.
If your bird feeder is hung from a wire, you can add baffles to the wire to keep them from scampering to the bird feeder. One good possibility for this is to string 2 liter plastic soda bottles on the wires. Although not impossible to walk on, these will certainly slow them down quite a bit.
* Buy a specially made squirrel proof bird feeder - There are plenty of these type of bird feeders on the market. Some of them will spin if a heavy weight (like a squirrel stands on it. The swirling should dump the squirrel. Other feeders will automatically close if the squirrels lands on it. Lastly there are many that have very small, light weight perches that birds can easily sit on, but squirrels can'.
* Use bird seed that squirrels don't like. Some say squirrels don't like safflower or thistle seeds and thus leave these bird feeders alone. (Birds obviously love these seeds.)
You can also "treat" your bird seed with hot pepper or cayenne flavoring. Squirrels don't like this "hot" flavored seed but has no effect on birds for some reason. They continue to eat it up.
Squirrels are fun to watch. Birds are fun to watch. However the two together can take the fun out of it.
If you are tired of having squirrels invading your bird feeder, try one of these squirrel proof bird feeder ideas.